9 weeks of Awakening Pleasure

Are you ready to embark on your sexual healing journey and fall exquisitely in love with yourself?

A live online group journey for women & vulva owners who desire to live a turned on life, feel deliciously empowered in sex, love and relationships, as well as awaken orgasmic potential.

A holistic approach to embodied sexuality

Begin to heal what’s holding you back from stepping into your power and confidence as a sensual being - or maybe you want to amplify what you’ve already got going on!

YONA - School of Pleasure

Have you been feeling the pull, a curiosity or maybe you’ve even dipped your toe into the mysterious world of healing and sexuality.

With so much information out there and options to choose from, it can be overwhelming and confusing to know where to even start.

This is exactly why I created YONA - School of Pleasure and in particular, YONA Foundations. To give you a clear entry point and solid foundation from which to start opening up to the fullness of your sexuality and pleasure. To start awakening more sensation and pleasure, not just in your pussy but your entire body.

I’ll be teaching you the fundamental practices and processes to give you a solid foundation from which to completely transform the way you experience life, sex and relationships, to live a life that turns you on! I see this work as vital to your overall wellbeing, as it opens you up to untapped potential.

Maybe you feel a tad nervous or hesitant, wondering if this path is for you or if you’re even ‘that’ kind of person.
I want to let you know that I get all kinds of people enter my space, not just the ‘sexual and spiritual’ ones. All are welcome here!

Exploring your sexuality, insecurities and most vulnerable parts can be scary, however I want to remind you that there’s so much to gain from leaning into your edges and what can feel scary.

Doing this work has has quite literally transformed my entire life in such a profound way!

This work speaks in energy, not logic, so trust your inner knowing and follow that spark of curiosity.

Through journeying these realms, expect to drop deeper into your heart and your pleasure, activating your turn on and feel a whole new level of confidence within. Which in turn will result in massive sex, love and life upgrades!

Weaving together embodiment practices, somatic healing, breathwork, pleasure practices, de-armouring, sexual healing, education and ancient wisdom from the Tao & Tantric Arts, plus a whole lot more!

“Rachael's curiosity, softness, and effervescence creates a transformative space for growth and healing. The space Rachael holds is explorative, soulful and truly opening channels of tantric sexuality. Her guidance and wisdom have allowed me to embrace my own sensuality, tap into my inner desires, and experience profound personal growth. Immensely grateful we crossed path.”

Who’s this for?

This is for Women and Vulva Owners wanting to find a deep sense of self love, feel sexually confident and give their sex life and relationship/s quantum upgrades. This work will quite literally allow you to shine from the inside out and radiate magnetism, as well as heal what may be getting in the way of this.

Whether you’ve done a whole lot of work or you’re a total newbie, this is for you.

For those seeking to step into their full feminine power and sensuality. Whether you’re single, in partnership or somewhere in between, because it all starts with you.

Do you experience any of the following?

  • Low libido and lack of sexual desire

  • Pain and numbness during sex

  • Feel bored in your love and sex life

  • Shutdown and shame around your sexuality

  • Poor body image

  • Feel blocked from love and feelings of unworthiness

  • Disconnected in sex and intimacy

  • Inability to speak what you want and need

  • Struggle to feel pleasure or reach orgasm

  • Get stuck in your head during intimacy

Past student experiences

“I can’t recommend Rachael enough if you are feeling called to delve into the realms of feminine embodiment and sexuality. I feel like I have been looking for someone like Rachael for years. She holds such a beautiful, solid, grounded and nourishing container to explore in.”

Do you desire…

Reignited sex drive and libido

More sensation and pleasure in sex

Feel comfortable in your skin and love your body

Deeply connected sex and intimacy

Heal your heart space

Cultivate deeper self love and acceptance

Reclaim your feminine power

Sexual confidence

Gain the ability to speak up for yourself

Attract and cultivate deeper, more meaningful relationships

Level up all areas of your life

My promise is that if you commit to yourself and the process you’ll experience life changing shifts, not just in your sex and love life but in all areas!

This Journey includes

  • Opening and closing ceremonies

  • 1.5hr weekly LIVE group sessions via zoom (if you miss the lives, these will be recorded) - Tuesdays, 7pm AEDT (Sydney, Australia time)

  • Homeplay and practices, for you to do every week between sessions

  • Bonus sessions with guest teachers

  • Access to 1:1 support

  • Reading/listening list

  • Facebook group for extra support, connection, sharing

VIP option includes 3 x 1:1 sessions


$1390AUD - payment plans available


If you wish to be a part of the next round starting in September 2024, please fill form below to go onto the waitlist

  • “I had been feeling disconnected from my body and sexuality through the process of exploring the repercussions of my past trauma. Lots of reading, guided meditations, podcasts, and so on were definitely helping but I felt as though I was going around in circles trying to learn it all myself. I was feeling frustrated and stressed about my situation when Rach was suggested to me by multiple friends. Working with Rach has been amazing on so many different levels. She shows genuine care and holds a calm, non-judgmental space to explore big feelings. She has taught me how to accept, love and move with my emotions rather than judging or fighting against them. How to let pleasure in, take up space in the world; and most importantly- that I deserve to do so. Healing and growth are a lifelong process, but Rachael has given me the tools to walk forward with confidence and clarity. I highly recommend reaching out to Rachael if you’re feeling at all stuck in your process, and I’m already looking forward to working with her in the future.”


  • “I can’t recommend Rachael enough if you are feeling called to delve into the realms of feminine embodiment and sexuality. I feel like I have been looking for someone like Rachael for years. She holds such a beautiful, solid, grounded and nourishing container to explore in. I felt incredibly safe and held throughout my entire journey with her and feel so grateful to be able to continue working with her. She has an incredibly gentle yet powerful presence which I feel such resonance with and she also has such a wealth of knowledge! A gift from This work I’ve really noticed is that I can love in a more embodied and sensitive state without so much mental chatter. It feels deeply liberating.”


  • “Working with Rachael has been deeply transformational. The practices she has guided me through have opened me up to more pleasure and actually wanting to experience penetration again, for the first time in ages! This has felt huge for me, as I have felt very closed off to intimacy for some time now. I’m also just feeling way more comfortable in my body, like before I was always searching for answers and thinking I need to do more to be more. I don’t feel like this anymore, she’s really helped me access my own wisdom and knowing so I don’t need to keep seeking externally. Thanks Rach for all that you do!”


  • “Rachael's curiosity, softness, and effervescence creates a transformative space for growth and healing. The space Rachael holds is explorative, soulful and truly opening channels of tantric sexuality. Her guidance and wisdom have allowed me to embrace my own sensuality, tap into my inner desires, and experience profound personal growth. Immensely grateful we crossed path.”


This work has deeply impacted my life in ways I couldn't have imagined, my wish is for everyone to be able to experience this for themselves. This is why I do what I do.

I look forward to embarking on this journey with you.

With love,
Rachael x


Do I need to have any previous experience to do this work?
The simple answer is no, absolutely not! I created this as the perfect launch pad to start coming into this work. In saying that, even if you’re well seasoned in these realms, you too will hugely benefit as the focus is on building a solid foundation. This is something I see so many people miss when entering into the realms of sexuality and healing.

What if I feel uncomfortable doing some of the practices?
This course is very much ‘go at your own pace’. A big focus is on teaching you to start listening to your body and not overriding. Everything I guide is purely invitational. Meaning if something feels too much, you don’t have to go any further. You also have access to the content for 6 month after we finish so you can always go back and re-visit.

Will I have to get naked in front of people?
Again, no. You only do what feels comfortable for you. If this means doing the calls with your camera off or even catching the reply in your own time, that’s fine.

What if I can’t make the live calls?
Everything will be recorded for you to not only catch up on if you miss a call but to also watch again for deeper integration.